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Springfield, IL Dance Programs

Nationally Awarded Competitive Dance Team

Programs for Special Needs Children

Family Discounts Available

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Discover the Rhythm of Life at Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy

At Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy, we believe dance is more than just a series of steps. It's a language that transcends words, a way to express emotion, and a means of connecting with others. Serving Springfield, IL, and surrounding areas, our dance school is a vibrant community where students of all ages and levels can explore the world of dance. Our successful competitive dance team, top-notch pre-professional program, and national award-winning competitive team are testament to our commitment to excellence.

With over 40 years of combined dance studio ownership, Tracey & Heather bring a wealth of experience and passion to their teaching. Our award-winning dance studios offer a variety of classes, from ballet to hip-hop, ensuring there's something for everyone. Our Gettin' Down program is specially designed for special needs children, providing them with a safe and supportive environment to express themselves through dance. We also offer family discounts, making dance accessible for all. Contact us today to realize your dance dreams!

Why Choose Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy?

Choosing the right dance school is about more than just learning dance steps. It's about discovering a community that nurtures your passion, challenges you to grow, and supports you at every turn. At Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy, we provide exactly that kind of environment. Our certified Kripalu DansKinetics instructor ensures that each student benefits from top-quality dance education. Additionally, the success of our students extends well beyond the dance floor; many of our graduates have earned scholarships, pursued careers in the dance industry, or have made their mark in the wider world of entertainment. Our programs cater to dancers at all levels, from beginners to aspiring professionals. Contact us today for a personalized tour of our studio and to meet our dedicated team!

Award Winning Dance Studios

National Dance Team

Certified Kripalu DansKinetics Instructor

Dedicated Program for Special Needs

Top-Notch Pre-Professional Program

Family Discounts Available

Our Dance Programs

Our dance school offers a wide range of programs to cater to all ages and levels. From our successful competitive dance team to our pre-professional program, we provide our students with the training and opportunities they need to excel in their dance journey.

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Gettin' Down Program

Our Gettin' Down program is specially designed for special needs children. This unique program provides a safe, supportive, and fun environment where children can express themselves through dance and movement.

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Tuition & Schedule

We offer competitive tuition rates and a flexible schedule to accommodate the needs of our students and their families. We also offer family discounts, making dance more accessible for everyone.

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Parent's Corner

We believe that parents play a crucial role in their child's dance journey. Our Parent's Corner provides resources and information to help parents support their child's dance education.

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Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy is nationally recognized for excellence, boasting numerous awards including titles from prestigious dance competitions. Explore some of what past students and clients have written about their experiences with us!

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Meet the Team

Meet the passionate instructors behind Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy! Each member of our team brings unique skills and years of dance expertise to ensure the best possible learning experience for every student.

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Learn More About

Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy

Located in Springfield, IL. Tracey & Heather's Dance Synergy specializes in dance programs and gettin' down. Nationally awarded competitive dance team. Programs for special needs children. Family discounts available. Call today.

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